

Venus is a planet in space. it is the brightest object in space. But it comes after sun and moon because they are always shinihg very much. Venus is a also called morning star because it appears in the east at down Venus is also called Everning Star because it disappears in the west at dusk. To thousands of years ago morning star was called phosphorus and everingstar was called hesperus . Venus is invisible at 3.00 oclock a.m. and at 10.30 p.m. because venus is far from sun. It is difficult to study venus because it is coverd clody.


If you have a project and you do not know how to offer you can help you. First you must determine the subject of your project. Then you have to think about the subject. Then you should get help from those around you. For example teacher friends anyone who knows about the subject can be. Spend the information on a piece of paper and then get help from sources such as books magazines newspapers and the internet. Then pass the information on a sheet of paper. Then remove any material you need for you project. Then review the informationthat you have received and pass the information onto the carton or any other clean paper. Next up is how to serve. Firstof all you should be excited and not excited. While presenting the project you should not look too much on the board and focus on the people you are presenting and make eye contact. You should tell the pages are not full of blunt not full. Y should not forget to introduce yourself and to mention the purpose of the project. You should not f...


Modern day man is very fond of technology. In daily life we do many of our business by making use of technology. Because technology is easy and short. But there are damages as well as their benefits. One of its dependence on technology . People remain very victimized in this situation. We should notuse technology as much as we will be addicted to. At the same time the rechnology is lazy. Many of the people are now lazy and tired in every moment of their life because they dont have a job to do because of technology and people get bored in the day. Telephone and computer should not be given to children at an early age. Becasue according to research it is childhood time when addiction is highest . We must direct them to activities such as reading books We need to socialize them. Adults should not hav too many technological tools and equipment in their hands and they should be more concerned with life. But technology has a lot of benefits to human life. For example we know that communicati...


Recycling is one of the most important problems of our day. People do not give  importance to this issue. People should be informed about this issue. People should not dispose of waste such as plastic,glass,metal,paper.etc. İnto the nearest recycling bin. Because these wastes are hardly lost in nature and cause serious damage to the soil. Frute and vegetables that we grow through these damages and  passes into our body there . I mean not only in nature but in myself.                                 Weil hurt animals in the same time. We should recycle newspapers and books that we read not in the trash. Only vegetables and fruit shells and kernels can be thrown into nature.                                         They then return to the soil as fertilizer. Scientist continue their research i...

Recycled products

advice to Maria
